Word roots in science- II
Modern Foreign Languages
calor: heat (Spanish,Portuguese)
Traditionally, heat is measured in units of calories (cal) instead of joules.
One calorie is defined as the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by one degree centigrade (°C).
( this way, thinking of heat helps to remember what a calorie means)
capello means hair (Italian)
So, capillaries have this name because they are very thin. Their discovery , by Italian scientist Malpighi, had to wait for the development of the microscopy, by Dutch scientist Leewenhook
aqueous solution : water is agua (Spanish)
In vivo alive : vivo (Spanish)
In vitro glass : vidro (Portuguese) and Vetro (Italian)
Carnivore meat : carne (Spanish)
lignine - glucose polymer used by plants to produce wood
wood - legno (Italian)
Look also word roots from Greek and Latin
gen : generate
pepsinogen: generates de enzyme pepsin
antigen: generates antibodies
hydrogen: generates water (hydro)
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